Our Counselors Message
A Message from The Counselors
It is important that we share some information about ourselves and the services we provide so a fully informed decision can be made about using our services.
First and foremost, we are Christian counselors. We understand that if we hide our beliefs or try to do value-free counseling that it is both unwise and deceptive, so we want it to be known what our values and beliefs are.
Like most counselors, we recognize that personal problems may come about because of physiology, social-environmental influences, and daily life pressures. On the other hand, we also acknowledge that many problems may be spiritual in nature, resulting from either not understanding spiritual truths or from one’s own personal transgressions. We believe we are all created in God’s image, and we can only feel complete and fulfilled when properly engaged in a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. Thus, Christian counseling will differ from other kinds of counseling in that it is very concerned with the spiritual as well as the emotional and physical needs of clients. The main goal of Christian counseling, like the goal of Christian living, will be to enable clients to move toward greater emotional and spiritual health through a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Most people who seek Christian counseling desire to work with a counselor who respects and understands their faith and belief system. Christian counseling is not limited to certain techniques or to human effort. Because God is the real authority in counseling. He gives us the resources to change. Struggles with anger, anxiety and depression, or substance abuse often have implications for a person’s faith and their perceptions of God and His grace. Fully addressing these issues should allow a person to explore their level of understanding in an environment that will be open and nonjudgmental. Christian counseling should involve praying for the client’s difficulties and looking to God for guidance. The client can find forgiveness for the past; strength, comfort and encouragement for the present; and hope for the future by trusting God to daily meet needs and heal emotional wounds. While we do not try to force religion on our clients, we do urge them to develop a relationship with the only true Healer of body, soul, and spirit, Jesus Christ. In this way, we seek to encourage clients to build a dependency on God.

Feed My Sheep is a faith-based ministry center with a desire to help heal the hearts and restore the lives of hurting people by assisting them in recognizing and fulfilling their emotional and spiritual needs.